Looks Unfamiliar is a podcast in which writer and occasional broadcaster Tim Worthington talks to a guest about some of the things that they remember that nobody else ever seems to.

This is a collection of highlights from Looks Unfamiliar featuring Gary Bainbridge on Googi The Liverpool Duck, Tim Worthington on Ferrero Prestige, Becky Darke on Tubby Turtle, Toby Hadoke on the BBC's After The Bomb season, Anna Cale on Grange Hill's Ronnie Birtles' shoplifting storyline, Genevieve Jenner on Boomerang and Mitch Benn on internationally famous celebrities acting in eighties pop videos. Along the way we'll be rifling through Billy Butler’s collection of white noise recordings, finding out what happens when you take the concept of 'Pocket Coffee' too literally, assessing which bath toys are most suitable for hand to hand combat, estimating how much money you can get on eBay for a decades-old combination of Matey, mud and jam, revealing how to thwart a vampire armed with just a duvet, debating the difference between ‘Muppets’ and ‘The Muppets’, and pondering where Michael McDonald fits into the Running Scared Expanded Universe. Plus there are a couple of extras you may not have heard - Tim doing a commentary on the Trumpton episode The Bill Poster and chatting to Tyler Adams on Goon Pod about what you were liable to find in your parents' record collection...

You can find the full versions of all of these shows and lots more editions of Looks Unfamiliar at

If you enjoy Looks Unfamiliar, you can help to support the show by buying us a coffee here. Nick Fisher will be along to paste over the Fire Brigade Band Concert posters with a Mellow Birds advert shortly.


Looks Unfamiliar is a podcast in which writer and occasional broadcaster Tim Worthington talks to a guest about some of the things that they remember that nobody else ever seems to.

Joining Tim this time is author Genevieve Jenner, who's flipping between college radio stations in the hope of alighting on KOMO children's show Boomerang, hastily cancelled sitcom Over The Top, Thorazine Shuffle by Bongos Bass And Bob, early internet dating-themed romcom Bossa Nova, Wizard's Hall by Jane Yolen and Coca-Cola's attempt at launching a fizzy drink for Generation X OK Soda. Along the way we'll be finding out the difference between 'Muppets' and 'The Muppets', debating how many early nineties lo-fi techno-rock propaganda bands got their own tie-in carbonated drink, and contemplating Richard Herring's unwitting influence on the rise of dating apps.

You can find more editions of Looks Unfamiliar at

If you enjoy Looks Unfamiliar, you can help to support the show by buying us a coffee here. Please note that delivering one with an OK Soda baseball cap stuffed inside it as a 'prize' is neither funny nor... funny.