017 - 'Sheer Heart Attack' with Greg Hart
My Classic Album with Mike Norris

This month we venture deep into 'the Lap of the Gods' as the legendary Queen finally get the 'My Classic Album' treatment for their third album 'Sheer Heart Attack'.

Cats In Space guitarist Greg Hart joins Mike to discuss an album that both agree is the seminal album by Freddie Mercury and the gang. Together they discuss their mutual love of Queen and how the band's work on 'Sheer Heart Attack' would influence their output for years to come as well as how it has shaped the music of Cats In Space.

Was 'Stone Cold Crazy' a precursor to thrash metal?

Why should you NEVER put 'In The Lap of the Gods' on a shuffled playlist?

Did Roger Taylor unwittingly pioneer the sound of punk?

PLUS Mike reviews 'Judas', the latest album from hard rockers Fozzy. Not only that but we look back on the past year of 'My Classic Album' and invite YOU to vote for your Classic Album of the Year for 2017.

All this and more on this edition of 'My Classic Album'.

For more information on the show:

Head over to www.myclassicalbum.co.uk

Music Credit: 'This Is Rock' by Silvia Marchese