010 - The Jungle Book
Are You Movie Mad?

Deep in the jungles of India an evil tiger/master of the Outworld, Shao Kahn, has stolen the first half of this week's episode, leaving Andrew and Johnny to futz about in the middle of nature like two lost mancubs seeking a mate.


009 -Be Kind Rewind
Are You Movie Mad?

Michel Gondry's sort-of-weird, sort-of-sweet movie-obsessed comedy is something Johnny's been wanting to see for ages. Will the Jack Black movie lead to great comedy? Mos Def. Will it lead to interesting podcasting? Mos Def. Will Johnny like the film? yasiin bey


007 - Grizzly Man
Are You Movie Mad?

The mystery movie you've been waiting for. What could it be? Oh, it's the episode title? Well, Johnny has not seen a Werner Herzog documentary and Andrew is mortified, that is cinematic importance. So get ready for jokes about horrible bear death. And not much else.


006 - Little Shop of Horrors
Are You Movie Mad?

Johnny has never seen Little Shop Of Horrors. Andrew has only seen it once. They buy tickets to a 70mm showing and show off about it. And you get to listen to all their woeful singing and terrifying comedy. It's as painful as a visit to a modern day Steve Martin family comedy.


005 - Wild Wild West
Are You Movie Mad?

The Willenium has been going for long enough to appreciate pre-Suicide Squad Will Smith and pre-Nine Lives Barry Sonnenfeld, and a shed-load of steampunk too. Throw in knighted thespian Sir Kenneth Branagh and wannabe knighted Kevin Kline, what's not to love, Andrew asks Johnny. What's not to love?

004 - CON AIR

004 - Con Air
Are You Movie Mad

Johnny infuriates Andrew so much he almost kills Johnny with a punch to the brain, landing the duo on Con Air, where their in-flight entertainment is murder and their food is human remains. You can try to resist, try to hide from our kiss, but you know, don't you know that you, can't fight the Con Air.


003 - Happiness
Are You Movie Mad?

Andrew sits Johnny down to show him what true Happiness is through Todd Solondz's messed-up deconstruction of suburbia and family. If this isn't the most offensive episode we make, you are in for deep, dark, disgusting laughs.


002 - The Mechanic
Are You Movie Mad?

Johnny's car breaks down in Statham country and there's only one man to hire through the deep web. So take out your spanners and grease your engines, we're looking West, Simon West, for the remake of Charles Bronson's probably miserable thriller, now a Stallone-friendly action spatula.

001 - THE 'BURBS

001 - The 'Burbs
Are You Movie Mad?

Johnny Ellis is adamant that he is 'Movie Mad', Andrew Jones is suspicious. In this series opener, Andrew is aghast that Johnny has never seen Joe Dante's satirical horror comedy The 'Burbs. What does Johnny even know about the Tom Hanks vehicle? And will he end up being mad that he watched the movie, or Movie Mad in our weakly constructed premise for movie viewing/discussion that leads to many rabbit holes as all good shows should.